runZero rebrand FAQs What you need to know


Now that the big news is out, we want to explain what these changes will mean for you. Our goal is to ensure that our rebranding efforts have a minimal impact on your product experience.

First and foremost, there are no immediate steps that need to be taken. Everything will continue to work as usual. We will let you know if and when anything changes.

If you have any questions, please contact us. We're here to help!

Why Rumble rebrand? #

runZero is the next step in our evolution towards making asset inventory easier, faster, and more accurate. Over the past year, we've added integrations with SIEMs, CMDBs, MDMs, EDRs, and Cloud providers that have extended Rumble's capabilities beyond scanning. As our technology and capabilities have expanded, we decided it was the right time for us to evolve our brand to reflect that growth.

Did Rumble get acquired? #

No, we're still the same great team with the same great mission. While the company name is changing, we are still the same corporate entity with no change in ownership or control.

Are there any immediate steps you need to take? #

Not at this time. We will make sure you have plenty of time to take any required migration steps, such as updating your SSO configurations, re-enrolling in MFA, and updating any code that uses our APIs. We will communicate with you when those changes need to happen. For right now, everything will continue to work as usual.

What is changing? #

In addition to a new company name, we have a new look and feel. You'll start noticing these changes across our website, product UI, and communications.

Can you still access the platform at the old URL? #

Yes, you will still be able to access the platform at for at least a year. Eventually, the platform will redirect to the new domain. We will let you know when this change happens.

The new URL for the console will be; we recommend our customers transition to this URL as soon as possible.

Do you need to update my SSO and MFA configurations? #

Yes, but not at this time. For customers who have SSO and/or MFA enabled, these configurations are tied to the domain, so additional steps may be necessary to move to the new domain. When the time comes, we will share more information about the migration steps for SSO and MFA with affected customers.

Do you need to update firewall rules that are in place that allow me to connect to the console? #

At this time, you do not need to update any firewall rules. runZero will retain the same IP addresses for the console. If your firewall rules are specified by hostname (or you are using a web proxy), please ensure that you add to the list, in addition to

Do you need to update your Explorers? #

No, you do not need to take any action on your Explorers at this time. Explorers will continue to connect to We are currently working to ensure that migration to the new URL will be safe and automatic.

Do you need to update your self-hosted instances? #

No, you do not need to take any action on your self-hosted instances at this time. You can still download installers, updates, and docs from After you update your console, you will see the new company name, UI, brand colors, and logos. The self-hosted platform will switch to the new URL for online updates, but offline updates can be downloaded from both the old and new URLs.

Will your trial be affected? #

No, your trial will not be affected. You can still log into as usual.

Will your API keys be affected? #

No, your API keys will not be affected. You do not need to generate new API keys. API keys will continue to work with both the old and new URLs.

How will API endpoint URLs be affected? #

The endpoint URLs will eventually change, but the old ones will continue to work during the transition period. We will continue to maintain the old URLs for at least a year to ensure that you can migrate successfully.

Will you need to update SSO and MFA? #

Yes, they will continue to work as usual with the URL. If you are using SSO, an update to your IdP configuration will be necessary during the transition period, as the ACS/EntityID on the IdP side specifies the old URL, and additional steps may be required to move to the new domain.

Similarly, MFA tokens are tied to the domain name and will need to be re-enrolled using the URL during the transition period. We will provide additional guidance on this process in the near future.

Do you need to sign a new contract? #

No, contracts remain valid and do not need to be updated.

How can you get help? #

If you have any questions, please email

Written by Thao Doan

More about Thao Doan
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