Support for Apple macOS Agents & Scanners


Fresh on the heels on Beta 3, we are excited to announce support for the Apple macOS platform. To install the Rumble macOS Agent, copy the download link from the Agents page, download a local copy, and install it using the command line:

$ curl -o agent.bin[unique-id-here]/[timestamp]/runzero-agent-darwin-amd64.bin
$ chmod u+x agent.bin
$ sudo ./agent.bin

macOS Agent

For a quick rundown on how to use the command-line scanner, take a look at the scanner documentation. The macOS scanner uses /dev/bpf devices for raw socket support and requires root access to run ARP and TCP SYN scans as a result.

The macOS Agent and Scanner do not use the Apple code signing mechanism yet, but they do include embedded signatures from us. For information on how to validate the internal signature, head over to the binary verification documentation.

As always, if you have any feedback, run into any issues, or just want to say hello, drop us a line.

Written by HD Moore

HD Moore is the co-founder and CEO of runZero. Previously, he founded the Metasploit Project and served as the main developer of the Metasploit Framework, which is the world's most widely used penetration testing framework.
More about HD Moore
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